Docker Push to AWS ECR Stuck on Preparing Layers? We’ve Got You Covered!
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Docker Push to AWS ECR Stuck on Preparing Layers? We’ve Got You Covered!

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You’ve spent hours crafting the perfect Docker image, and now it’s time to share it with the world by pushing it to AWS ECR. But, to your dismay, the process gets stuck on “Preparing layers” and refuses to budge. Don’t worry, friend, you’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many a developer, but fear not, for we’re about to dive into the solutions to get your Docker image safely stored in AWS ECR.

What’s Causing the Issue?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s quickly understand what might be causing this problem. There are a few possible reasons why your Docker push is getting stuck:

  • Network Connectivity Issues: A slow or unreliable network connection can cause the push process to hang.
  • Docker Hub Rate Limiting: If you’re pushing to Docker Hub, you might be hitting their rate limits, which can cause the process to stall.
  • : Problems with your AWS ECR connection, such as invalid credentials or region misconfiguration, can prevent the push from completing.
  • Docker Image Size: Large Docker images can take a long time to upload, and if the connection times out, it can appear as though the process is stuck.
  • Corrupt or Incomplete Image: A corrupted or incomplete image can cause the push process to fail or hang.

Solution 1: Check Your Network Connection

A slow or unreliable network connection is often the culprit behind a stuck Docker push. To rule out network issues, try the following:

  1. Check your internet connection speed using an online speed test tool.
  2. Verify that your Docker daemon is configured to use the correct network interface.
  3. Try restarting your Docker daemon and then retry the push process.
  4. If you’re behind a proxy, ensure that it’s properly configured and not causing any issues.

Solution 2: Increase Docker Hub Rate Limits (If Applicable)

If you’re pushing to Docker Hub, you might be hitting their rate limits. To increase your rate limits, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Docker Hub account and go to the Billing page.
  2. Click on the “Upgrade” button next to the “Plan” section.
  3. Select a plan that suits your needs and increase your rate limits.
  4. Retry the push process to see if the increased rate limits resolve the issue.

Solution 3: Verify AWS ECR Connection and Credentials

AWS ECR connection issues can be caused by invalid credentials, misconfigured regions, or other authentication problems. To troubleshoot ECR connection issues, try the following:

  1. Verify that your AWS credentials are correct and up-to-date.
  2. Ensure that you’re using the correct region for your ECR repository.
  3. Check that your IAM role or user has the necessary permissions to push to ECR.
  4. Try logging in to your AWS account and verifying that you can access your ECR repository.
  5. Retry the push process with the correct credentials and region.

Solution 4: Optimize Your Docker Image Size

Large Docker images can take a long time to upload, and if the connection times out, it can appear as though the process is stuck. To optimize your Docker image size, try the following:

  1. Use a smaller base image or a more efficient Dockerfile.
  2. Remove unnecessary files and layers from your image.
  3. Use Docker’s built-in compression features to reduce the image size.
  4. Split your image into smaller layers using Docker’s multi-stage builds.
  5. Retry the push process with your optimized image.

Solution 5: Check for Corrupt or Incomplete Images

A corrupted or incomplete image can cause the push process to fail or hang. To rule out image integrity issues, try the following:

  1. Verify that your Docker image is correctly built and tagged.
  2. Check the image’s manifest file for any corruption or inconsistencies.
  3. Try pushing a smaller test image to ECR to verify that the issue isn’t specific to your image.
  4. Retry the push process with a freshly built and verified image.

Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the solutions above, here are some extra tips to help you troubleshoot and resolve the “Preparing layers” issue:

  1. Use Docker’s built-in debugging features, such as the --debug flag, to get more detailed output during the push process.
  2. Verify that your Docker version is up-to-date and compatible with AWS ECR.
  3. Try pushing to a different ECR repository or region to rule out any issues specific to your repository or region.
  4. Check the AWS ECR status page for any known issues or outages that might be affecting your push.
  5. Consider using a Docker push plugin, such as the docker-push-ecr plugin, to simplify the push process and provide more detailed error messages.


Getting stuck on “Preparing layers” while pushing a Docker image to AWS ECR can be frustrating, but with these solutions and tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully store your image in ECR. Remember to check your network connection, increase Docker Hub rate limits (if applicable), verify your AWS ECR connection and credentials, optimize your Docker image size, and check for corrupt or incomplete images. Happy pushing!

docker push --debug my-ecr-repo/my-image:latest
Solution Description
Solution 1 Check network connection
Solution 2 Increase Docker Hub rate limits (if applicable)
Solution 3 Verify AWS ECR connection and credentials
Solution 4 Optimize Docker image size
Solution 5 Check for corrupt or incomplete images

By following these solutions and tips, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Preparing layers” issue and successfully pushing your Docker image to AWS ECR.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on preparing layers while pushing your Docker image to AWS ECR? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is my Docker push to AWS ECR stuck on preparing layers?

This issue often occurs due to network connectivity problems or high latency between your local machine and AWS ECR. Additionally, large image sizes or high Layer counts can also cause this problem. Try checking your network connection, restarting the push process, or optimizing your Docker image size to resolve the issue.

How do I troubleshoot the ‘Preparing Layers’ issue?

To troubleshoot, try pushing the image with the –debug flag to get more verbose output. You can also check the AWS ECR dashboard for any error messages or try pushing a smaller test image to isolate the issue. If you’re using a proxy, verify that it’s correctly configured.

Can I cancel the ‘Preparing Layers’ process?

Yes, you can cancel the process by pressing Ctrl+C in your terminal. However, be aware that canceling the process may leave your ECR repository in an inconsistent state. It’s recommended to wait for the process to complete or timeout before canceling.

Are there any configuration options to speed up the ‘Preparing Layers’ process?

Yes, you can use the –push-parallelism flag to increase the number of layers pushed concurrently. Additionally, you can use the —layer-compression flag to compress layers, reducing the upload size and speed up the process.

Is there a timeout for the ‘Preparing Layers’ process?

Yes, the default timeout for the Docker push command is 30 minutes. You can adjust this timeout using the –timeout flag. If the process exceeds the timeout, it will be canceled.